Keep Safe on the Road!

Staying Safe in Traffic Matters Most for You!

Road Safety

Learning to be safe near streets and roads is super important for kids like you! Let's discover how to keep ourselves safe together!


Sometimes, drivers might not see us kids easily, which can be risky. Understanding how cars can be dangerous helps us stay safe and avoid accidents!


Sometimes accidents happen suddenly, but when we practice safe habits every day, they become our natural way of staying safe, thanks to our parents' guidance!

Get Ready!

Children's Programs

While we’re on the road, safety is our top priority!

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text since the 1500s.

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text since the 1500s

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text since the 1500s

What to DO and what not to do

For the safety on the road

We all learn how to be safe on the road by practicing with grown-ups. Together, let’s discover how to stay safe and become road safety experts!

Look Both Ways

Always stop, look left, right, and left again before crossing the road. Make sure no cars, bikes, or other vehicles are coming either side.

Use Crosswalks

Always Cross the road at designated crosswalks or traffic signals whenever possible. They’re like safe passages just for you!

Follow Traffic Signals

Green means go, red means stop. Always wait for the walk signal before crossing, even if you’re in a hurry.

Don't Distract Yourself

When crossing the road, keep gadgets like phones and games away. Focus on getting safely to the other side.

Don't Assume Drivers See You

Even if you think a driver sees you, it’s always safer to make sure. Look both ways and never rush across.

Don't Run Between Parked Cars

Running between parked cars can surprise drivers. Stay visible and stick to safe pathways.


traffic lights

Imagine the traffic light as a robot that tells vehicles and pedestrians when to go and when to stop.

Red Light

Red 1

When you see a red light, it's like the traffic signal saying, "Freeze, everyone!" It means stop until it turns green. It's our signal for safety

Red 2

When it's red, all the cars and people have to pause. Wait until it turns green.

Red 3

Hang tight until it turns green – that's when it's our signal to go again. So, red means stop, green means go.

Yellow Light

Yellow 1

When the traffic light turns yellow, it's like a little hint, saying, "Get ready!" It means the light is about to change

Yellow 2

Yellow is preparing us for what's next! Be cautious, and get ready to either stop or safely continue.

Yellow 3

Whether you're stopping or cruising through, yellow is our signal to be on our toes!

Green Light

Green 1

When the traffic light turns green, it's like the ultimate "Go!" signal. It means it's our turn to move safely.

Green 2

Green means you have the green light to go ahead. Whether on foot, on wheels, or on your bike, it's your moment to cruise forward safely.

Green 3

When you see green at the traffic light, it's your time to move!


Get published road safety magazines

The following magazines are published by the Kosovo Police and the Ministry of ESPI, where you can read various and interesting articles about road traffic safety.

Our News!

Stay Updated With Every News

We have reserved this column for the latest news that is both informative and educational about traffic safety.

Lumi, the Traffic Light

Lumi was not an ordinary creature; he was a friendly and spirited traffic light that guided cars, bicycles, and pedestrians safely through the busy streets. Lumi had a special gift. He could talk to the


What parents say

The benefits and importance of this web application are best spoken by those who have used it and use it constantly. Their encouraging words pushed us to keep working and make it even better.

"This web application transformed our daily routine. My child now confidently navigates road safety, making each journey secure and educational. Thank you!"

Selim Parent

"Invaluable resource! The platform effectively instills safety awareness in students, making them road-smart. A vital tool for every classroom."

Mentor Ahmeti Teacher

"Learning road safety is like an adventure here! I feel like a superhero following the rules and being safe on my way to school and back home."

Hysen Student

"This web app is a game-changer in our commitment to student safety. Engaging, informative, and aligns perfectly with our educational goals."

Shemsi Osmani School Director